
Vegetable oil

Food (Seafood, milk, nutritional food, pocessed food, vegetables, cereal, confectionery, instand nooddles, soft drinks,…):

  • Macronutrients: protid, lipid, carbohydrate, aminoacid, cellulose…
  • Micronutrients: vitamin, trace elements
  • Food Additives: Preservatives, color, tasting and flavoring substance, flavoring, the sweetener; additives enhancing digestion, absorption such as soluble fiber, enzymes, DHA, EPA…
  • Residues of antibiotics and other chemicals: Chloramphenicol, other derivatives such as Nitrofurans, Malachites, Fluoroquinolones groups, Sulfonamides groups, Tetracyclines groups,…in food and seafood…
  • Pesticide Residues under Chlor, Phospho, Cuc, Carbamate group ; residues of fungicides, herbicides.
  • Residues of heavy metal: As, Pb, Hg,…
  • Residues of animal growth hormones (Clenbuterol, Salbutamol, DES…).  Residues of plant growth hormones (Gibberellic acid, α-NAA, β-NOA,…)
  • PCB, PAH, Dioxin, Furan, Melamin, DEHP…
  • Marine Biological Toxins: DSP, PSP, ASP and other toxins: Mycotoxin (Aflatoxin, Ochartoxin A, DON, Zearelanon,…) in cereal and milk; 3-MCPD and in soy sauce; Histamin in fishes sauce,…
  • Testing the quality of food as regulated by Ministry of Health